Drill Overview & Roles

Block Leads

Play a key role by organizing their block so that neighbors learn how to help each other in the event of a real emergency.

BNN can partner with block leads to share materials and ideas to begin connecting neighbors. Because of block leads, neighbors are prepared, informed and willing to help each other when needed.

Block Lead Info

Incident Commander (IC)

Responsible for overall leadership of the block drill. This can include assigning volunteers to the Safety, Wellbeing and First-Aid teams, prioritizing which simulated incidents need to be escalated to emergency responders, and leading a discussion of lessons learned at the drill’s conclusion.

Communications Lead

Responsible for receiving, dispatching and documenting radio/walkie communications with Ham radio operators to escalate critical incidents to emergency responders. BNN provides radio training and equipment to communications leads so they can use the radios effectively.


Responsible for signing in volunteers, collecting incident report forms from various teams, and logging incidents actions/updates on an incident status board. This person works closely with the incident commander and communications lead.

Safety Team

Responsible for identifying and responding to hazards, such as house fires, and broken gas and water lines.

Well-Being Team

Responsible for establishing a first-aid station, gathering medical supplies and providing basic first aid/comfort.

First Aid Team

Responsible for establishing a First Aid station, gathering medical supplies, and providing basic first aid/comfort.