Burlingame Neighborhood Network Hosts Meeting with Over 60 Residents
Led by BNN Board Member Dr. Rik Kasuga, attendees learned how to use the Zello app on their cell phones to create family and neighborhood networks they can use to communicate during emergencies. “While we’ve always promoted HAM radios as a primary mode of communications when all else fails, HAM operators aren’t in every neighborhood,” Rik explained. “But everyone has a cell phone that can be used like a walkie-talkie.”
He said that even if cell service is limited, the Zello app can also be used to send out text messages to everyone in your network. “You can create a family network to notify them of your status or locate everyone in the area.” And, in a major disaster, where we will likely be on our own for at least 72 hours, neighborhoods can communicate with one another to report incidents and share resources.
During the hands-on session, 50 people logged on to the BNN Zello Net. This group check-in via cell phone is held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm. “The BNN Zello Net gives everyone a chance to practice net protocol and ask questions about communications and emergency response,” Rik said.
Following the Zello workshop, Sandra Firpo and Lalo Rubio of the county’s Department of Emergency Management provided an overview of various alert systems and evacuation tips.
They encouraged everyone to sign up for SMC Alerts here and Wireless Emergency Alerts here, the latter of which is part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. They also previewed the new Hi-Lo siren system (an emergency siren that alternates between a high and low pitch), which will be introduced later this year. It will be broadcast from patrol cars and other responder vehicles to notify you to evacuate your area during emergencies such as wildfires.
Sandra also emphasized the need to prepare a “Go Bag” and provided a calendar of how to acquire and refresh emergency supplies to be ready for the next emergency. Much of this information is included on the Go Bag page on the BNN website here.
At least two people who attended the meeting have volunteered to help lead their neighborhood in our Burlingame Emergency Response Drill on Saturday, October 4, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. If you’d like to lead your block or learn more, email [email protected].