Bringing Neighbors Together
The Latest From BNN
- Meet your neighbors
- Build a stronger sense of community
- Plan block parties and casual gatherings
- Join citywide disaster response drill
- Learn to respond to a disaster
- Understand how to protect your family
- Join community events on resiliency topics
- Find emergency resources posted on this site
- Practice first steps after a disaster during drill
- Caches of emergency supplies for your block
- Communications and radio training
- Make your go-bag and emergency supply kit
Connect Your Block
Learn how to organize your block so neighbors can help each other during a disaster.
Citywide Drill
Our biggest event, held every few years, is our citywide Disaster Response Drill
Get Prepared
First responders may not be available for 96 hours or longer after a major disaster.
Download resource documents and access links for use by your family and neighbors
Your block can qualify for a cache of emergency tools and supplies funded by the City of Burlingame.
Citywide Disaster Response Drill
Neighbors on blocks across Burlingame participate in October for a simulated citywide exercise to learn and practice how to respond collaboratively to a disaster. BNN provides all drill kit materials to your neighborhood.
Connect, Inform, and Prepare
Personal connections among neighbors dramatically improves both the chances of survival during a disaster and faster recovery in its aftermath, as well as aid in crime prevention.
Preparation for Resiliency
Find resources on this site, and information about our disaster survival drill and related training, that will help you and your family prepare for earthquakes, wildfires, floods and other emergencies.